The Kwan Um School of Zen is an international organization of over one hundred
centers and groups founded by Zen Master Seung Sahn, the first Korean Zen Master to
live and teach in the West. The school’s purpose is to make the practice of Zen
Buddhism available to an ever-growing number of practitioners throughout the world.
The school is a non-profit organization entirely supported by its members; membership
has many advantages, for information, visit their site at
By becoming a member of the Kwan Um School of Zen, you are supporting our
worldwide school’s on-going programs, practice, and support for the South Florida Zen
Why Join?
50% of your member dues go directly to South Florida Zen Group. This income
allows us to sustain our group’s programs and activities.
Membership benefits include:
Cost of Membership
If you are a Dharma Teacher, or Dharma Teacher-in-training, there are additional Dharma Teacher dues of $180 per year ($15 per month)